The flexible system
for routine histo-cytological stainings
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Product Preview
The flexible solution to better meet your needs.
The features of the Giotto System, designed for you.
All information and data contained in this area, are to be considered private and confidential and is therefore prohibited the dissemination and publication of these data and information to third parties. You shall therefore keep confidential all information and data coming to its attention during the consultation, to keep them with security measures and a degree of care no less than those accorded to its own confidential information. Access to this area requires the full and complete acceptance of the conditions listed; Diapath therefore reserves the right to pursue all offenders under current regulations and to seek compensation for all damages suffered and patiendi.
The advantages of the system
Giotto, overview
Giotto System is Smart.
Giotto: high productivity in minimum space.
The power of parallel staining.
Giotto with Cristallo®
is Innovation
Technical Data /
Regulatory Standards
In/Out Drawers
Inner Overview
Robotic Arm Water Pressure System
Diapath complete range of solution for Anatomic Pathology
Co-funded by the “Horizon 2020” programme of the European Union
34th Design Award 2021 World Ranking in the category “Medical Appliances”
Approved CEU’s Provider by NSH - National Society for Histology